Is there a dependence between the temperature in the office and working productivity?
Studies have shown that the temperature in the office can affect labor productivity. What to do if the office is cold or hot? You need to buy air conditioning or install the control system of control in the office. In a certain temperature range, staff usually has higher labor productivity. When the office is too hot or too cold, the performance of workers, as a rule, falls.
What is considered an ideal office temperature can vary, but, as a rule, this is a balance between 21.1 and 22.8 degrees Celsius. Some experts believe, however, that the temperature in the office should reach 25 degrees Celsius, which will lead to greater performance.
Test results
The study of the impact of the office temperature on labor productivity is measured by parameters such as the level of success of the employee, his effectiveness and accuracy. Studies have shown that the worker enters the text on the keyboard with a higher speed and makes less errors if the temperature is 25 degrees, and not 18. According to tests, general productivity is higher at temperatures from 21.7 to 22.2 degrees Celsius. As soon as the temperature suddenly drops to 20 degrees, performance worsens, it also begins to decline smoothly when the thermometer shows more than 23.9 degrees.
The effect of clothing
Some experts believe that an ideal temperature range may vary depending on the time of year. One of the reasons is the choice of clothes for a season. But this parameter does not have a great influence on the level of temperature.
Business importance
Enterprises should be concerned about how the office temperature affects the performance of a friend for a number of reasons. The main reason, of course, is that they want to get the maximum benefit from their employees. If the leadership can take a number of measures to improve the working environment, then the optimum temperature is one of the first and important points.
There is another reason for the companies to worry about climate in offices. If the office is not warm enough in winter, employees will use heaters and kettle. This will hit the accounts for electricity and, possibly, by the wiring itself. In summer, fans and the constant opening of the refrigerator in order to get and freeze ice again, they will give the same effect.
Well, of course, it is worth mentioning the legislation of the Russian Federation, which clearly prescribes the necessary temperature regimes in the office and the requirements for the employer to ensure them. The same legislation states that the employee has the right to make, with the deviations of the thermometer from the norm.
In general, it is beneficial to the employer from all points of view to provide their office with climate control systems and air conditioning air conditioners.