New luxurious residential complex, opens this month. Designed by the French architect Jean Nuveli, a 23-story apartment buildings facing the Hudson River with a front facade composed of 1,700 window glasses, each set at various angles and rotating moments to better reflect light. This is a strike creating, which, of course, provides a little symbol as a charm to the encirclement of Chelsea. In addition to everything, this strives for environmental certification with a long detailed list of supported building elements to prove its cost.While the front side of the building is embedded in the glass in the glass, the back side is made of simple black brick with windows perforated completely to the top. From the outside, the placement of windows seems to be random, but from the inside, great care was manifested to place each window to ensure the picturesque representation of the guideline to the present York City, like Empire Steit Building. Since Nikolai Aurossoff New York Times describes this, 100 11th Avenue – a, “The connection of sand and charm – embodied in a brilliant facade, which seems to have been wrapped around the front of the front side of the black brick tower as a tight -fitting embroidered dress.”In a luxurious residential building, a resort, a fitness center, an inland pool, and a private garden. On the lower floor at the entrance, a suspended garden with mature trees and perennial plants, console within the structure of the building. The penthouse of the upper floor has an atrium of the sky and a private roof terrace. The apartments themselves are sold for a lot of money, going anywhere from to $ 1.6 to $ 22 million.
Nouvel’s residential building was developed to stand out surrounded by Chelsea just as a mixture, and part of that harmonizing includes the presence of a lower environmental impact. The structure is established to obtain environmental certification and includes the use of non -toxic and processed materials and an energy -saving project. At least 50 % of the forest used are Certified FSC, and the walls are painted with low VOC colors. Revised content materials just as other low VOC materials, like insulators and flooring of carpets are used everywhere. Natural Daylighting pours through the windows from floor to ceiling, which will help reduce the use of artificial lighting, while the current windows take into account fresh air and natural ventilation.Although it is super expensive, a magnificent residential complex receives a lot of notifications, not only, since it shines the facade, but also for the architect behind this and all supported functions.
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