Buying a new apartment in a newly rented house or in the secondary housing market, the owner immediately begins to repair the premises. Regardless of the scope of plans and the value of the budget, plumbing change everything and first of all. The work can be entrusted with a qualified specialist or, out of the desire to save, try to do it yourself.
The most important thing is that you must remember is that the toilet is a very fragile thing. Faance is easy to split with a careless movement, so when installing, be extremely careful and careful. Do not overestimate your strength! Perhaps you should still hire a specialist – inexpensive and professional plumbing services will surely help save your time, nerves and of course the money that will need to be spent on the purchase of the necessary, for plumbing, tools. And it is very simple to find a specialist – it is enough to dial the phrase “Service of the plumbing Donetsk” in any search engine (Yandex for example) and the result will not be long in coming – just the sea proposals!
But if you still decide to take a chance and try yourself in the role of a plumber, then you will need the following tools: electric drill, a diloving key, a cross, a hammer, a chisel, as well as a corrugation for the connection, hose, pencil and fum tape.
Remove the old toilet, then create a flat surface with a hammer and chisel. The toilet can be installed on the adhesive base prepared in accordance with the instructions – epoxy resin. The toilet must be tightly pressed to a 5 mm layer of matter and left under the oppression for 12 hours.
You can also attach the plumbing to the screws and dowels, be sure to make sure that there are no distortions when installing, otherwise the earthenware can go in fissures in the future, and do not forget to put rubber or plastic gaskets for screws and fasteners.
After fixing the toilet, it is necessary to install the connecting corrugation on the drain, the drain grooves should be cooked in front of this and compact with the resin strand, or just use the sealant. Corrugation is very flexible, you can use it with any drain – in the floor or in the wall. Also prepare a solution of cement to which you will cover the space between the corrugation and the bell, if you have such a need.
Now the time has come for the drain tank. After checking the tightness, you can install a design for draining and filling with water, following the instructions.
The last thing that remains to mount the hose for the supply. It is better if it is reinforced and with united nuts, it will easily be unscrewed and fastened with a divorce key. And to increase tightness, the thread site should be wrapped in a fum tape.
Upon completion of the work, restore water supply in the apartment and check the performance of plumbing: it should not flow anywhere, and all systems should function clearly. If everything is in order, screw the seat and you can use.