Everyone dreams of repairing with the lowest costs and at the same time not to make a lot of effort, you will agree this is just a dream, the one who at least once made repairs.Drywall is a practical and inexpensive finishing material, with the help of drywall sheets you can align the walls, and make various elements. As for installation, it can be performed without any problems at home, but you need to be extremely careful and careful, if you work with it for the first time, I strongly advise you to do this in the presence of an experienced specialist.
Drywall, like any other material, has certain physical characteristics that cannot be violated.to he will lose his original data. As mentioned earlier, drywall is afraid of high temperature, it should not be used in rooms where the air temperature exceeds 45 degrees. If the temperature of more than 45 degrees the sheets begin to heat up hard and thereby the connection between the molecules of gypsum and water begins to collapse, the water begins to dry and thereby the product loses its strength and becomes even more fragile. If the room has increased humidity, then the sheets can soak and thereby lose their physical data and will no longer be suitable for further operation, so the room should be sufficiently dry.
To work with drywall, it is not necessary to be a highly qualified specialist, it is enough to have the necessary skill in the finish and be as accurate as possible. When installing plasterboard sheets, you will also have to work with wet mixtures, such as: putty, plaster and cement mortar. In order to fix the sheet, you need a wooden or metal crate. Partitions between the rooms are made from drywall sheets and then the wallpaper is glued on them or simply painted, the partitions are made from one or more layers to ensure sufficient rigidity and strength. During major repairs, many people very often change the windows in their house, now ordering the window will not be problems, for this it is enough to use the Internet and choose the right company.
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