Each owner of the land, farmers, a personal plot, a question arose about the cultivation of land, especially a difficult situation, if the land has not been processed for a long time. Motoblock slide will help to cope with this problem. Its high power and heavy weight will help to treat heavy soil, as well as a long -cultivated land.
The Ugra walkway is usually equipped with a four -stroke engine operating on gasoline and has fault resistance. A motor with a capacity of 7 horsepower and a cylinder of 168 centimeters of cubic ones characterizes a long service life, low vibration noise, excellent balancing and small fuel consumption. Using a belt-concept transmission, a smooth course of equipment is ensured, the unit is easy to repair and does not require additional maintenance. The walk -behind tractor has a decent weight, about 100 kg, so it without much effort is immersing the working tool in the soil. It is possible to adjust the capture width, the extreme mills can be removed, the capture width can reach 90 centimeters, which helps to process quite large areas of high quality and quickly. With the help of a reverse, Motoblock received excellent maneuverability and controllability.
It is possible to use a variety of additional devices. Some models have the ability to adjust power, this feature allows you to use a more active technique: a snowball player, a haymaking. The handle can be adjusted to the height you need, does not require additional efforts when managing, which allows you to easily cope with the walk -behind tractor and the student and the pensioner.
The motoblock has an electronic ignition system, which allows you to easily run it at low temperatures, as well as after long downtime. You will not bother your neighbors, since the walk -behind tractor has a low noise level.
Significantly facilitates the transportation of the walk -behind tractor, its minimum disassembly, thanks to which it easily fits into the trunk of a car. There is an opportunity, at the request of the buyer, to equip the motorcycle block with additional components that will simplify the hilling and plowing of land.